Friday, September 17, 2010

The Eyes of Texas Cops are Upon You.

The Eyes of Texas Cops are Upon You
Police are buying license-plate readers so they know where you go.

   Back in June, Dallas Texas leaders in law enforcement who are egged on by the technology’s retailers are putting their new toys to creative use. There’s little doubt that the license plate readers could help law enforcement with serious duties. But what can help capture a fugitive or recover a stolen vehicle can also be used to conduct mass surveillance or target political disagreements. License plate readers are a dishonestly simple technology which basically consist of cameras either in a fixed site or mounted on the top of a car that are competent of capturing and processing thousands of license plates each hour even at high speeds, low light and bad weather. The plates are then automatically checked against databases of stolen vehicles, warrants, kidnapped children, and more. Now-a-days I believe it is truly essential for authority to maintain such devices. As crime rate drastically increases according to statistics (Texas Crime Rates 1960-2009,) more lives are vulnerable and exposed to danger “We’re moving in this direction anyway,” said Blumberg, the privacy supporter. “But the technology is moving much faster than public understanding and public discourse.”