Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting in the Ring

Perry's refusal to debate is all swagger, no sweat.

Its good to know that one has been honored the title of becoming governor of a certain state. There is certain requirement that one should pursue with the benefit of. If not, why suppose to claim an unaccomplished title. According to Perrys refusal to debate is all swagger, no sweat.  But Libertarians see him as running away from the real challenge. "He seems to think that he owns our vote and that we're being disloyal by not supporting him." Perry arguably hasn't faced a tough election since his 1998 knockout of John Sharp to become lieutenant governor. Promoted to the Governor's Man­sion in 2000 when George W. Bush won the presidency, he won his first real election in 2002 when Dem challenger and Laredo oil man Tony Sanchez was less Cinderella Man, older fashioned palooka.

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