Friday, October 15, 2010

Expensive Security

$1 million for Perrys' security over 7 years

White critical of foreign travel costs, but others say it's part of job

According to to records obtained by the Houston Chronicle, Taxpayers have spent almost $1 million in security cost for Governor Perry and his wife Anita. The state did not pay for many of the governor's direct travel costs. The cost of the security detail, however, was paid primarily from the state highway fund, which is fueled by the state gasoline tax and vehicle registration fees. Political analysts said it is not unusual for governors to travel outside the country. I agree with the political analysts that governos should be concerned over the economy and the rough time the state phases. Perry's chief of staff stated that he's broken records for foreign travel. The question is according to chief of staff, what residents really getting out of this? What's in it for taxpayers? Instead the money we taxpayers pay should be invested in something benefical such as education, health care, career opportunities and establishing a better economy. I believe that is a little oblivious that the DPS is somewhat involved with all this comotion because the DPS didnt realease all information and only released "certain info " to the public, if we the tax payers are paying for this security and these trips, then we should be entitled to all the info, not just a portions of it. 
For further detailed informations regarding Perrys Expensive security cost which is payed us the taxpayers please visit

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