Friday, October 29, 2010

Voters would cut spending, increase alcohol tax

New gambling backed in budget crunch, poll finds

"They don't want to see government grow," said pollster Micheline Blum, of Blum & Weprin Associates Inc., of New York. "When they do think about increasing revenue at all, they go for the vices."
Texas voters prefer spending cuts over new revenues to balance the budget, but if money must be raised, they would like to see it come from higher taxes on alcohol and expanded gambling, according to a poll conducted for the state's largest newspapers. The state is trying to raise 20 billion through the next two years for schools, healthcare for the poor and safety. Most of the voters agreed that money should come from higher taxes on alcohol and expanding gambling. Other would like to see cuts in spending in higher education such as colleges, while 17 % would like to see cuts in public safety. Personally i believe the revenue should come from higher taxes on alcohol and tabacco, maybe even higher fines on speeding violations and things of that nature. I do not believe the cuts should be made in schools or in healthcare, that would just affect the community more and more. Voters have mixed feelings about both of these options , some people believe cutting higher education is the best way to go, others believe bringing slot machines would increase the revenue.

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